April 19, 2023

Barnes Airbnb

London Airbnb photographer

Barnes Airbnb.

This was a really great little property to photograph. My work takes me all over London and most jobs require driving a good hour to from where I live, so it was absolutely fantastic being booked for a job in Barnes, which is where I live. This property lies just on the border of Barnes and Sheen and is literally a 4 minute drive from where I live.

This is a two bedroom house with some really great features. I particularly like the naked brick wall above the main staircase, as you can see in the first picture, and I noticed but didn’t photograph the projector screen in the lounge.The location is brilliant, it’s really nicely decorated and it’s just a really lovely Airbnb.

If you like the photos from this Barnes Airbnb, and you’re looking for a London property photographer, please contact me here.

London Airbnb photographer
London Airbnb photographer
London Airbnb photographer
Barnes Airbnb
Barnes Airbnb
Barnes Airbnb
Barnes Airbnb
Barnes Airbnb
Barnes Airbnb
Barnes Airbnb
Barnes Airbnb
Barnes Airbnb

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