August 17, 2023

Battersea Power Station Airbnb

London Airbnb photographer

Battersea Power Station Airbnb. by London Property Photographer Chris Radley Photography.

Now this was a really cool property to photograph. Prior to about a week before, when I visited Battersea Power Station for the first time ever, I was booked in to take photos at Switch House, which resides right on top of Battersea Power Station itself, rather than one of the adjacent flats.

I haven’t yet been in one of the new flats but I loved the look of Switch House as it retains much of the industrial structure from when it was a power station, so lots of iron beams and girders everywhere, factory-style windows, very industrial looking but also really quite homely.

This Battersea Power Station Airbnb is being managed by 53 Degrees Property. They are based in Chester and have some really nice properties on their books so do check them out.

Apart from this property, I have lots of other properties to share as and when I have time. Right now I’m averaging between 20 and 30/35 properties a week and they cover all parts of London. Some of the properties I’ve been to are ok, some really nice and some absolutely amazing so do keep an eye on this wesite.

If you like these photos from this Battersea Power Station Airbnb, and you’re looking for a London property photographer, please contact me here.

London property photographer
London property photographer
London property photographer
London property photographer
London property photographer
London property photographer
London property photographer
London property photographer
London property photographer
London property photographer
London property photographer
London property photographer
London property photographer
London property photographer
London property photographer
London property photographer
London property photographer
London property photographer
London property photographer
London property photographer
London property photographer

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