July 30, 2018

Burgers and Beers

London Airbnb photographer

Burgers and Beers

Over the last few weeks I took photos for five restaurants/pubs around Edinburgh. The first was the fabulous No 1 Grange, two was All Bar One on George Street, then I photographed two other restaurants for the same company, the Newsroom and Spatch.

The final shoot (for now) was for the company that owns Newsroom and Spatch and took place at Burgers and Beers on the Royal Mile. Now I love my burgers and I love a good beer with my burger and I do have my favourite burger restaurants but I’ve wanted to try Burgers and Beers on the Royal Mile for a while but I’m always put off going into town. Edinburgh off season is really busy, there are always tonnes of tourists, but as soon as spring hits the tourists multiply and right now it’s Fringe season so there will be 6-figures worth of tourists in town. No thanks!

But for this shoot I had to go into town and Burgers and Beers was a real surprise. I was asked to photograph the whole menu, as well as take interior shots, and the food involved burgers (of course), ribs, hot dogs, etc, lots of sides and a few drinks. I think in total there were 15 burgers, a couple hot dogs, loads of sides, 4 children’s dishes and various other bits. A lot of food to photograph.

One of the highlights of doing food photography is you often get a chance to try the food. A few years ago I worked for Deliveroo and twice a week I would come home with three or four doggy bags of food. Some food was good, some incredible, some awful, but no complaints, it was awesome bringing food home.

Burgers and Beers was the same. They would literally have to throw away everything that was prepared for the food (think about it, food can’t and shouldn’t be reheated for customers) so I ended up taking home six or seven burgers one hotdog and a few sides and everything was delicious. And seriously, I’m not saying this because I got free food and I was working for them, but the burgers were really awesome, really delicious!

So if like me you hate going into the city centre but you do love a good burger and in a great environment and can hold your temper for a while (traffic/parking/tourists not looking where they’re going etc) then do give them a go. Loved their food and loved working with them.

burgers and beers edinburgh
burgers and beers edinburgh
burgers and beers edinburgh
burgers and beers edinburgh
burgers and beers edinburgh
burgers and beers edinburgh
burgers and beers edinburgh
burgers and beers edinburgh
burgers and beers edinburgh
burgers and beers edinburgh
burgers and beers edinburgh
burgers and beers edinburgh
burgers and beers edinburgh
burgers and beers edinburgh
burgers and beers edinburgh
burgers and beers edinburgh
burgers and beers edinburgh
burgers and beers edinburgh
burgers and beers edinburgh
burgers and beers edinburgh
burgers and beers edinburgh

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