Terms & Conditions

This bit is a little boring, but I value all of my customers and I want to make the things I do, as clear as possible for you.

Chris Radley Photography owns the rights to all original content posted on the site, all other content with be credited appropriately to the best of our ability. If your content has been featured on Chris Radley Photography and you would like it to be removed or edited, please contact us, and it will be updated immediately. Likewise, you may not redistribute, sell, or use photos or written content from Chris Radley Photography unless you have been given individual permission.

Certain links on this site lead to websites controlled by other parties over whom Chris Radley Photography has no control. Therefore, Chris Radley Photography makes no representation or warranty concerning the content or accuracy of third party information and expressly disclaims any liability therefore.

This site and all the information it contains, including, but not limited to, articles, blog posts, designs, drawings, illustrations, photographs, videos, opinions, text, guides, trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos (“Protected Information”) are the property of Chris Radley Photography, its contributors, and licensors and is protected from unauthorised use, copying, distribution and dissemination by U.K. Copyright law, trademark law, international conventions, and other intellectual property laws. All rights reserved. You may not use our Protected Information without the express written consent of Chris Radley Photography.

By posting on this blog, you agree to the policies below. I welcome comments on my blog posts, as we all know it’s good to talk and I love hearing your points of view. But please keep your comments clean and related to the content I post. I reserve the right to remove any comment. I want this site to be a great place for dialogue and the sharing of information so please feel free to ask questions, disagree, provide alternate methods, or comment on the post as long as your comment’s content is not offensive, defamatory, abusive, or otherwise mean and inappropriate.

– Comment Privacy
You may comment anonymously or under a name/username. The email address you use to submit a comment will not be displayed on my site and will not be sold or used to contact you unless you request to be contacted.

– Ownership of Comment
You retain ownership of comments you leave on my site; you simply grant me a license to post your comments should I feel like it. This license is irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide, and royalty-free. You grant me the right to store, transmit, display, use, publish, reproduce, and distribute your comments in any format, including but not limited to a blog, in a book, in a presentation, in a class, or in a video.
I expressly disclaim any and all liability that may result from any comment you leave on this site. By commenting on this site, you agree that you retain all ownership rights for the comments you post on this site and that you will relieve me from any and all liability that may result from those postings.

WOW! Amazing you got through to the end! Now back to the fun bit.


Copyright & Trademark
This site and all the information it contains, including, but not limited to, articles, blog posts, designs, drawings, illustrations, photographs, videos, opinions, text, guides, trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos (“Protected Information”) are the property of Chris Radley Photography, its contributors, and licensors and is protected from unauthorised use, copying, distribution and dissemination by U.K. Copyright law, trademark law, international conventions, and other intellectual property laws. All rights reserved. You may not use our Protected Information without the express written consent of Chris Radley Photography. (See here).

You may re-post a summary of a blog post (or an excerpt of up to 100 words) with a link back to the original post.

You may link to my site or any of my public posts.

Using Images:
You may use a single image (this doesn’t include making multiple images into, or reshaping a collage) as long as it distinctly states that the project is by Chris Radley Photography, listed with proper photographer credit, linked back to the original project on Chris Radley Photography, and doesn’t include any how-to steps, materials, or general instructions on how to recreate the project outside of Chris Radley Photography.

You cannot (without my written permission):
– Re-post my content word for word or in its entirety.
– Alter or sell any content on this site without my permission.
– Translate any of my writings in to another language (without it being verified by Chris Radley Photography to ensure the accuracy of each translation.).

You may not use photos on Chris Radley Photography to share on any social media platform as your own, or bury credit in hashtags. You may not use images as promotional material with your own graphics, alter or combine multiple images into one, or use images to your own context that does not feature, relate, properly credit, and link to the original project and Chris Radley Photography as the content creator.

To request permission for any of the uses on the above “You cannot” list, please email: enquiries@chrisradleyphotography.com

So that’s it! Boring terms and conditions things over with. Now let’s get back to the fun stuff!